


CSR Activities

Environment Friendly

”Gentle to people and the earth”------Rainbow has taken up the responsibility of environmental and social. All the products, packing materials, and various printed matters we spread are under consideration of the regional and social environment. We also participating aggressively in environmental protection organizations.

Fun to Share

Fun to Share
”Fun to share” is a slogan that refers to share the latest knowledge with joy, realize the low carbon society.
Not just focus on "protect the environment". A highquality life should realize the low carbon society while living a happy every day. Numbers of various regions, organizations, companies are developing their technology and efforts to realize a low carbon society. ”Fun to share” believe when the wisdom of limited people shares with others would be able to bring happiness to everyone. Rainbow Co., Ltd. agrees with the point of “Fun to Share” and made the corporate registration.
We’ll implement specific actions to reduce CO2 by practicing in the office.

The declaration of reducing container and package


It is a business hold Tokyo and 7 suburb prefectures and cities, objective to promote recycle and reduce the volume of packing containers started from the Metropolitan area, also provide support to companies those voluntary attempt the reduction of container and package volume. Rainbow made the declaration, positively reducing the simplicity of the package container, and spreading the information to customers from different regions and societies.

* What is the "9 prefectures and cities Summit"?
1979, in order to build 9 of the most vitality prefectures and cities in the 21st century, the governors and mayors of Saitama, Chiba, Tokyo, Kanagawa, Yokohama, Kawasaki, Chiba, and Sagamihara had joined together and tackling widearea issues by improving life and social capital. Since then, a review committee has been set up to handle the waste problem in the Tokyo metropolitan area.

Reduce waste of natural resources

Rainbow is using recycled paper for the product package and printed matters. In addition, vegetable oil ink is used as much as possible for printed matters. Its ink is reduced the volume of volatile organic compounds (VOC) and has the merit to improve the work environment and protect the air environment.

Supporting tree planting

Made a donation to Asia Plantation Friendship Association in 2007.

Giving to Australia Koala Fund

Certificate of Appreciation 感謝状
Made a donation to the “Koala Fund” established for the protection and research of koalas.

Helped build a clinic in Vietnam

Certificate of Appreciation 感謝状

A clinic in Vietnam was built with a donation from our company through the “Rainbow Project” in 2002.



Head office525-1 Kuno, Odawara-shi Kanagawa-Ken 250-0055 TEL: +81-465-35-0111 FAX:+81-465-35-0666
service office68-1 Naruda, Odawara-shi Kanagawa-Ken 250-0862
Tokyo Model SalonGotanda Parkside bldg. 3F 5-24-9 Higashigotanda, Shinagawa-ku Tokyo 141-0022
Osaka ShowroomSunTower Sin-Osaka Bldg 2F, 7-2-2 Nishi Nakajima, Yodogawa-ku Osaka 532-0011